
Curious how we can grow your AI Tool reach? covers Artificial Intelligence news, tutorials and AI tools that gets over 450K+ monthly visitors. On average, tools submitted to our ai tools directory get over 1K+ clicks ands ranks in top 5 on Google SERP.

Our Results Speak for Itself

We only allow AI tools. Please do not submit an AI newsletter or another directory – it will get rejected.

In the event that your tool does not meet our editorial policy requirements, we offer a complete refund as a guarantee.

Listing Insights:

  • Website Price Only: 1M+ active monthly users
  • Website + Newsletter: 1M+ active monthly users + 20K plus Subscribers
  • Estimated clicks: 500 – 10,000+
  • Estimated cost per click: $0.005 – $0.2

Note: listings don’t expire, so you will keep receiving traffic from us forever. Results vary depending on how new your tool is. The newer the tool is, the higher it will be on the page, the more traffic it will receive.

Audience insights:

  • Daily page views: 35,000
  • Monthly page views: 1M+
  • Monthly unique visitors: 450K+
  • Average ad CTR: 3.4%

Please submitting the info below – we will fill out the rest of the details required ourselves.

If you face any issues, feel free to reach out at [email protected]